

The Sciton Halo laser is a smoothing and brightening treatment for the skin on the face, neck, chest, and hands. It has also been shown to help with scarring. Halo uses fractionated diode and erbium simultaneously to deliver superior results with less downtime and discomfort. Prior to the treatment, numbing cream is placed on the skin for up to 1 hour. The skin is then cleansed and prepped and the eyes are protected. The treatment lasts from 20-30 minutes depending on the areas treated and the depth of treatment. Mild discomfort is felt in the form of heat. Following the procedure, the skin is cooled and moisturized. The heat sensation on the face dissipates rapidly over the first half hour and then feels like a sunburn. Over the next 3-5 days, the skin is pink and has a fine granular feel, and is generally finished peeling between 5-7 days after the treatment on the face. The pigment and surface of the skin show immediate improvement, but the collagen production that helps to smooth the surface continues for up to 3 months. Ideally, the halo is performed as a series of 2-4 treatments, depending on condition of the skin being treated, or alternatively can be used annually to stimulate collagen.

We Can Help

If you are interested in discussing laser resurfacing with HALO, schedule a cosmetic consultation with our experts at Renew Dermatology.