Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers are designed to replace the volume loss as we age. They can be used in a variety of areas on the face and hands. There are many tools in our toolbox of fillers, and having a detailed cosmetic consultation will help you determine which one is right for you. Voluma Restylane Vollure Restylane Lyft Volbella Restylane…
Sculptra Aesthetic Sculptra Aesthetic is a unique injectable cosmetic filler to restore facial volume loss. It is a collagen stimulator, poly-L-lactic acid, that works with you body to help revitalize your own collagen production. Results appear gradually over time and the result is a restoration of structure and deep volume as well as improvement in wrinkles and folds. The face…
VBeam Vbeam has been long considered the gold standard in pulsed-dye lasers. Though often referred to as vascular laser because of its excellent treatment of lesions such as angiomas, port wine stains, telangiectasias and rosacea; the Vbeam has also been shown to be a safe, easy-to-use tool in the treatment of pigmented lesions, scars, spider veins, warts, and even bruising.…
BBL BBL is a popular light based technology that helps to erase the many unwanted signs of photo-aging, and treat visible signs seen in conditions such as acne and rosacea. During this carefully controlled treatment, intense pulsed light is delivered stimulating collagen and elastin resulting in reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and targeting brown spots, and redness. Patients notice…
ProFractional Laser ProFractional is a laser solution for achieving excellent resurfacing results with minimal downtime. Unlike full field resurfacing treatments of the past, which removed the entire surface area of a treatment site, this treatment ablates narrow-diameter channels into the skin, covering a fraction of the total treatment area. This initiates the body’s wound healing response, while leaving the surrounding…
HALO The Sciton Halo laser is a smoothing and brightening treatment for the skin on the face, neck, chest, and hands. It has also been shown to help with scarring. Halo uses fractionated diode and erbium simultaneously to deliver superior results with less downtime and discomfort. Prior to the treatment, numbing cream is placed on the skin for up to…
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a revolutionary way to harness the body’s own rejuvenating healing power to generate new healthy tissue. After a simple blood draw, we separate your own plasma containing a high concentration of platelets which are the source for your body’s natural growth factors. These growth factors stimulate healing and cellular growth when…
Microneedling Microneedling is a procedure designed to smooth and brighten the skin. It consists of tiny zones of injury to the skin, which in turn cause collagen production and renewal of the dermis. Microneedling can be combined with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to produce more collagen stimulation and faster recovery. Prior to the procedure, numbing cream or ice can be…

Resurfacing Procedures Resurfacing procedures are designed to smooth out the surface of the skin. Often, these procedures also improve the brown discoloration associated with sun damage. With so many options, which procedure to choose is based on each patient’s needs and lifestyle. A detailed consultation is essential to finding the right fit for you. Microneedling ProFractional Laser Halo We Can…
Restylane Defyne Restylane Defyne is a filler designed to replace deep volume in areas of movement, such as the smile lines and nasolabial folds. It can also be used to correct downturned lips and marionette lines. It is a more robust filler than its sister treatment, Refyne, and can be placed deeper in the skin. Following a detailed consultation with…