Join us at 11:30 on Tuesday, September 10th to learn all about the benefits of lasers. All Alastin Products 20% off day of the event. 1 ProFractional Laser Treatment + Alastin Skin Nectar-$2000 ($700 savings) 1 Halo Treatment + 1 area of ProFrac*+ Alastin Skin Nectar-$2000 ($700 savings) 2 Halo Treatments + Alastin Skin Nectar-$2500 ($700 savings) 3 Microneedling w/PRP…
When you think of youth, oftentimes we think of plump skin, beautiful facial curves, or even a chiseled jawline. We do our cardio exercises, eat kale and avocados, and pour collagen powder in our coffee to keep looking our absolute best but still, some areas of skin on the face and body continue to age. Over time, skin loses the…